Blue Hemimorphite, L’Argentolle, Saint-Prix, Saône-et-Loire, Morvan.


One of the rare and famous pieces of blue hemimorphite crystals found at the Rocher du Boeuf mine in Argentolle, Saint-Prix, in the 1980s.
Here, translucent crystals of magnificent blue on matrix are associated with chunky, brilliant quartz crystals.
This specimen comes from the mineral collection of Michel Maigrot, a famous prospector and collector of the 1970s/1980s.

  • Description


    One of the rare and famous pieces of blue hemimorphite crystals found at the Rocher du Boeuf mine in Argentolle, Saint-Prix, in the 1980s.
    Here, translucent crystals of magnificent blue on matrix are associated with chunky, brilliant quartz crystals.
    This specimen comes from the mineral collection of Michel Maigrot, a famous prospector and collector of the 1970s/1980s.

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