Agardite, Bou Skour, Morocco.


Beautiful blue-green acicular agardite crystals on what appears to be goethite from the Bou Skour mine, east of Ouarzazate, Morocco.
The Bou Skour mine has produced some very fine samples of bornite, azurite, wulfenite and agardite, of which it is the type locality.
This sample comes from the collection of R. Möckel and is supplied with its label.

  • Description


    Beautiful blue-green acicular agardite crystals on what appears to be goethite from the Bou Skour mine, east of Ouarzazate, Morocco.
    The Bou Skour mine has produced some very fine samples of bornite, azurite, wulfenite and agardite, of which it is the type locality.
    This sample comes from the collection of R. Möckel and is supplied with its label.

    This post is also available in: French

  • Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 0,03 kg
    Dimensions 4,5 × 4 × 3,5 cm

Out of stock

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