Fluorine (Fluorite), Mine Heights, United Kingdom (UK).


Plate with pretty cubic crystals of green fluorite. Most crystals are macerated. Typical specimen showing some blue-tinted pleochroism in natural light.

Fluorite crystals from the Heights mine, Westgate, Stanhope, County Durham, United Kingdom (UK). Attractive UV fluorescence.

  • Description


    Plate with pretty cubic crystals of green fluorite. Most crystals are macerated. Typical specimen showing some blue-tinted pleochroism in natural light.

    Fluorite crystals from the Heights mine, Westgate, Stanhope, County Durham, United Kingdom (UK). Attractive UV fluorescence.

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  • Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 0,13 kg
    Dimensions 8 × 4,8 × 2,7 cm

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