Tunaberg Hedenbergite, Nyköping, Södermanland, Sweden.


Group of very dark, bright centimetric hedenbergite crystals on matrix.
This is an excellent classic specimen.
The piece is also crystallized on the reverse with small crystals.
Deposits producing this silicate are quite rare (GDR, USSR, Elba, etc.).

  • Description


    Group of very dark, bright centimetric hedenbergite crystals on matrix.
    This is an excellent classic specimen.
    The piece is also crystallized on the reverse with small crystals.
    Deposits producing this silicate are quite rare (GDR, USSR, Elba, etc.).

    This post is also available in: French

  • Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 0,275 kg
    Dimensions 7,5 × 6 cm

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