Hubnerite and quartz, Pasto Bueno, Peru.


Hübnerite is a mineral species consisting of manganese tungstate. This is the manganiferous pole of wolframite.
Good lamellar hübnerite crystals associated with prismatic hyaline quartz crystals.
Quartz and hübnerite (wolframite) from Pasto Bueno, Peru.

  • Description


    Hübnerite is a mineral species consisting of manganese tungstate. This is the manganiferous pole of wolframite.
    Good lamellar hübnerite crystals associated with prismatic hyaline quartz crystals.
    Quartz and hübnerite (wolframite) from Pasto Bueno, Peru.

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  • Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 0,12 kg
    Dimensions 7 × 4,5 × 4 cm