Karibibite, Bou Azzer mine, Morocco.


The sample features beautiful yellow balls and “puffs” of the uncommon mineral Karibibite, an iron arsenate, in two large patches.
Numerous other micro-minerals (including probably löllingite and erythrite) are visible on the piece.
A true mineralogist’s paradise!
Mineral from the Bou Azzer mine in Morocco, particularly renowned for its magnificent erythrites.

  • Description


    The sample features beautiful yellow balls and “puffs” of the uncommon mineral Karibibite, an iron arsenate, in two large patches.
    Numerous other micro-minerals (including probably löllingite and erythrite) are visible on the piece.
    A true mineralogist’s paradise!
    Mineral from the Bou Azzer mine in Morocco, particularly renowned for its magnificent erythrites.

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  • Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 0,350 kg
    Dimensions 9,5 × 8 × 4 cm

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